I have had pvc's since June of 2007They started while i was at work cant tell you the reason maybe stressindigestionanxiety or other.What I felt was like something jumped between my navel and the breastboneit scared me made me anxious right away nothing around me mattered.It was only one pvcIt subsided and shortly after maybe 10 minutes happened again then i got more anxious then I felt my pulse and i felt my heart stop and restart again got even more anxious.There was no pain of any sort so at the end of my shift went straight to see a doctor.I explained to him the history of what happened heard my heart beat and while listening everything was normal when he was checking my pulse it skipped once I asked him if he felt it and he said nodid an EKG all clear of course the pvc's subsided i was at the doctors office therefore they went away could not even make them happen if I wanted to.So he sent me on my way.However my anxiety didn't want to let go of what happened got worried anxious felt afraid that I might have a heart attack or my heart just stop working.So i gave them some time to do what they were gonna do and figured they were going to go away as fast as they came onwell i was wrong they started happening more often and have times of on and off went to another doctor same thing they were going away when the doctor was looking for them.Note (At this time I wish that one of this doctors I went to see would have taken his time to jut talk to me about pvc's as I know now but I didn't know the their name at the time I was going through these horrible things it really would have helped to know what they were instead of the doctors not saying a word about it).Anyways went on vacation with the pvc's still didn't know their nametried not o pay attention to them after going on vacation they kind of disappeared until Nov of 2009 they showed their ugly face againanxiety kicked in brought on more pvc's pushed back as hard as I could was anxious scared went to the ER with pvc's and heartbeat of around 120 BPM just to have them come down again they missed them again with all the technology in there I told them i felt like my heart was stopping but they said no heart issues again i said ok but what is causing thisthey had no answer .After going home got on the computer what was going on and to find out if there were other people with the condition I have.Found few websites don't remember which maybe even looked at Medhelp.This is when i found the name for them PVC (Premature Ventricular Contraction) at least now I had a name for my condition.Read a lot of posts on many websitesit made me happy that there was other people out there with pvc's and sad at the same time that so many of you are suffering from this awful sensations.This eased of my anxiety a lot to the point of almost pvc free or I just was not feeling them anymore.In March of 2011 I got anxious while towing a fuel truck out of deep snow (he was stuck) got anxious over what-if this truck were to overturn and have a major diesel spill.This started my pvc's again and i said "thats it I have to get to the bottom of what is going on" they come and go.Few days latter i think went to the ER I want to call it panic attack with pvc's.Was hoked up to everything there did an x-ray blood check and then there they were on the monitor this time pvc's we been looking for what 4 years now roughly.They said it is just anxiety induced pvc's and suggested that i go to see a cardiologist just to make sure the heart is ok.Made the appointment at the heart institute consulted with the cardiologist about pvc'she said they are benign but wanted to do an ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram).The nurse called latter said everything looks good everything is normal.Made me feel god and once again pvc's subsided until April 2012 when my oldest child decided to move out of the house and my pvc's started again.This time started to tackle my anxiety as that was the cause of the pvc's got some antidepressants prescribed hard to tell that they were working decided to stop taking them as they did not help me with pvc's.From then to now i have had episodes of pvc's and times of pvc free tried all kinds of things coffeealcoholdifferent foods different activities i have not been able to pinpoint what brings them on and what does not as it is not consistent at all and it is not one thing that brings them on or takes them away.I have been fighting with this horrible things it seams like forever fighting as I am writing thisbut to all of you sufferers just hang in there and give each other hope and give me some hope as I need some hope too.
2014-11-10 11:39:45
Hello Whilst many arrhythmias are non life threatening and common in people worry about them can sometimes grow out of all proportion. Stress from this source can be damaging in itself over time. So so long as the Cardiologists keep finding no problem you would be well advised to start to tackle your stress levels yourself. a good place to start is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_management Good luck.
2014-11-10 11:40:17