
Elevated cardiac enzyme levels in young female?

Yesterday I went to my local small hospital with severe upper back pain throwing-up jaw pain left arm pain and feeling faint. While I was there my blood pressure and heart rate were all over the place. My pulse ranged 130 to 160 and my blood pressure was just out of control going from 169/100 - 85/90. I had an abnormal ECG and my CPK isoenzymes test showed that I had elevated troponin levels in my bloodstream even after 12 hours of being admitted. However being only 20 they didn’t thick that I could have a cardiac problem even though I have high blood pressure of which I am medicated for and have a huge family history of heart attacks. My mother father and their parents have all had heart attacks and my older sister (she is 30) and my uncle have had strokes. So where dose this leave me. Please tell me what you think should I find another option.

2014-11-10 03:18:21




In my opinion the hospital did you a disservice perhaps a serious one by ignoring your family history and your troponin levels as well as by dismissing your risk on the grounds that you are a young woman. If I were in your situation I'd take myself to the best cardiologist around for a complete workup. Soon.

2014-11-10 03:18:51
