I've found a few things to avoid that bring on PVCs. If anyone has others please advise. Caffeine (of course) Salt (especially in the mornings) Even Magnesium Salts cause some PVCs! Celestial Seasonings teas. (some of their teas have ingredients that are stiumulants)I'm sure some other brands do also. Dry Wines that flush me also give me PVCs almost immediately! I drink sweeter type - one glass only. More can set PVCs off. Sugar! Excessive sugar can bring on anxiety in the body which results in PVCs. I get by with eating a litte. But NO soft drinks. Any other foods anyone has found that brings PVCs on? Oh and I found taking deep breaths and slowly blowing out works well during an attack being completely calm. Bearing down (the vagal maueveur) does not work for me at all. Coughing helps though which is a form of that.
2014-11-10 03:21:19
well less carbs greasy foods pastas breads rice... Also try to avoid eating too much. I notice when I eat larger meals the occur more often as well. Good Luck
2014-11-10 03:22:56