What are the symptoms of HCM?
2014-11-10 03:56:12
There are four primary symptoms of HCM: Shortness of breath angina (chest pain) fainting may occur and palpitations or changes in the rhythm of heart may feel like a rapid heartbeat a skipped or extra heartbeat or just an uncomfortable awareness of one's heartbeat. Palpitations can be associated with sweating or lightheadedness. Have you been diagnosed with hypertrophy cardiomyopathy? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not a curable disease; the primary goals of treatment are to relieve the symptoms and prevent sudden death by: 1•promoting heart relaxation 2•reducing the obstruction if present and 3•avoiding abnormal heart rhythms. "Because HCM affects each person differently there is no "typical patient" and no standard plan of treatment. Furthermore the treatment rationale for HCM can actually counter the rationale used to treat the same suite of symptoms in a patient who does not have HCM. For instance many HCM patients have chest pain and shortness of breath—a common symptom of coronary artery disease that is treated with nitroglycerin. If a person with HCM were to take nitroglycerin the symptoms would worsen and the nitroglycerin could even cause a catastrophic deterioration in the person's condition".
2014-11-10 03:57:19