Night after night we deal with the many things of pregnancy that keeps us up all night. As your husband/ boyfriend/ significant other is lying beside you snoring away like a car load of hogs. So tonight I'm dealing with restless leg heartburn and right hip pain. It's not really siactica but very annoying and painful. As he's there snoring away I just so want to wake him up and have him just massage me. I feel bad cuz he does work very hard all day but he isn't running on a few hours of sleep every day then chasing after a toddler the rest of the day. How many of you feel the same?
2014-11-11 11:43:25
Me but no kids it's just hard cause I can't wake him up either his got 2jobs and works pretty hard I can be sitting in bed vomiting and he wouldn't even know. How many weeks are you?
2014-11-11 11:43:51