So my sister had to make me feel bad she said that she is gunna be sad and upset that I'm having a baby cuz three years ago She lost her last baby it was a still born.. But she has had five beautiful kids and this is my fist live baby.. I miscarriage last year on Oct 24 2013 my baby was died at 8 weeks her heart just stop and they couldnt do anything and now I'm pregnant again I'm 30 weeks and my sister is forcing her self in the delivery room even tho she said she isn't happy that I'm having a baby.. And now I don't want her in the room cuz she is telling everyone that my boyfriend isn't the father.. That isn't her business to tell I don't want everyone to know and then judge me. She is just doing to much to ruin my little family and ruin this blessings I'm going to have.. Idk what to do.. HELP!!!...
2014-11-11 11:45:45
Wow sounds like your sister is really hurting and taking it out on you. I would set some boundaries she can't treat you like this no matter how she's feeling but also have a gentle talk to her. She needs to resolve her grief over her stillborn afterall she's about to be an aunty!
2014-11-11 11:46:09