

So I know this isnt very pregnancy related but im tired of my childs father financial decisions! His father lost his job over a year ago for losing his temper an putting his hands on a co-worker! Ever sence he buys him stuff he wants like beer every week gas for his car. On top of all this he tries to hid it from me because he knows im not okay with it! I could understand if it was stuff his dad needed to survive but its all "luxury" stuff. Im tired of him carrying his 50 year old dad who refuses to try to get a job cuz he cant stay sober long enough..

2014-11-11 11:50:45




Ahh. I'm sorry about this situation. It's hard for sure. I tell you one thing I do admire a grown child that is loyal to their parent. This is really a great quality. Unfortunately though since you are kind of describing his dad as an alcoholic he is enabling him. That contributes to his unhealthy choices. I can not fault someone for helping an unemployed parent. I just can't but I do think 'how' he helps him can be addressed. Is his dad an alcoholic?

2014-11-11 11:51:12

malaysia A