My mom is single after being married for 20 years to my dad and then in a 7 year relationship that ended badly so she has sworn off all men.. I get that and i dont have a problem with it. My problem is with the fact that she wants me too do it too. I am engaged and 40.2 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. Any time we argue she makes stupid comments like "if you guys are gonna argue i dont know why your together" seriously... couples argue it just happens. (He just went out and bought a pack of cigarettes cause i stress him out apparently) so my mom made the comment " sometimes i wonder why your together" Im sorry we dont just give up on each other cause we are stressed or upset.... It irritates me that i know and he knows she would just rather him leave and let me and her take care of this child. This is NOT her baby so i wish she would just stay out of it. I get she has experience with bad relationships but it took her 7 years to leave cause she didnt want to listen to anyone. Me and my fiances relationship is nowhere near as bad as hers was. My fiance would never physically or emotionally abuse me.. she just doesnt like any men so her first option is just to give up on everything if things get hard. I dont want to argue with her cause im very close with my mom this is just one thing i cant stand.. i tell her i dont wanna talk about it but other than that i dont know what to do or say.. ugh.
2014-11-11 11:51:39
If u live with her u need to move asap. Relationships always struggle wen u live wit an inlaw.
2014-11-11 11:52:04