
My second mistake

I have 2 kid my older child is 10 ..I'm pregnant and I'm 23 weeks ..I thought my bd loved me & was faithful until I found out he is a cheater all he do is chase females don't matter how ugly or cute the female's is.He was working then he lost his job 2 years ago ..since I thought he was a good man I took care of him for 2 years because I loved him ..Since I become pregnant I learned a lot he cheats on me with random female's he meets on fb hurt so bad I cry and cry everyday ..I wish I new what I know now but now I'm having a baby with him times I wish I could have got an abortion but I want a baby but I wanted a family with my unborn child but I also want to be happy times I feel as tho there is no good men in this world ..

2014-11-11 11:52:29




I'm so sorry you are going through this :-( No one deserves to be treated like that. I hope you can find a way for you and your babies to be happy!

2014-11-11 11:52:57

malaysia A