

Hi guys! I'm 31 year-old male and writing this to discuss with you my concern as I have excessive health anxiety during my whole life. Normally I go and do the blood work every 6 month to screen my health status. 2 days before I've done my routine my blood work and it seemed normal except for LFT which I have slightly high AST (60 I/U). Normal range based on the lab report for AST was 5 - 45 I/U. My ALT was normal (26 I/U) and my GGT was too (12 I/U). Bilirubin and the rest was quite fine. I drink occasionally and I don't smoke and I didn't drink during the last week. My LFT had been fully normal in my previous check-ups. I surfed the whole internet to find out what's the reason for slight high AST and I couldn't draw a conclusion. I've been vaccinated for HEP B and test for it and I still have anti body however I didn't have any risk factor at all. my lab result was ready only after 1 hour (I'm in Malaysia) and I was thinking maybe it was a lab mistake. I don't have any specific health problem other than anxiety and some stress. I have sleeping problem too however. Can you please give me some pieces of advice? And anyone knows why expert forum of gastroenterology won't accept new questions?? Thank you

2014-11-11 02:09:12




Keep in mind that your AST enzymes are generated in many parts of your body other than just your liver. For instance if you've done some extremely vigorous exercise lately just your body muscles alone can cause an increase in AST levels. Just followup with your doctor and try not to worry.

2014-11-11 02:09:45

malaysia A