28 male here. About a month ago I started getting this weird numbness in my upper right abdomen right where (I'm assuming) the liver/gallbladder would be. At times I can not feel this area when I touch it. It is numb and tingles constantly. When I'm sitting down for too long it will start to ache and I will have to get up and walk around. This helps the ache go away temporarily but it always comes back. Also I will get a burning sensation in the same area when I move too fast or stretch. It will only last about 2 or 3 seconds and then it goes away. Going from the lying down position to sitting up seems to be the worst to trigger this pain. I've also felt alot more tired lately and feel like I have no energy. Is it possible this is gallstones? I've done a bit of research and this seems to be the most likely scenario. Sadly I am without health insurance right now so going to the doctor isn't really possible at the moment. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your time.
2014-11-11 02:49:45
The pain went away for a couple days last week and then came back again. The dull ache and mild burning is still there. I have alot of gas and I'm belching frequently. I stopped drinking alcohol for the most part and am slowly changing my diet to eat healthier but it doesn't seem to help. I don't have insurance so I'm scared if I go to the ER they will just tell me to lose weight or eat better. This has been going on for almost 2 months.
2014-11-11 02:50:19