Hello I have been ill for years but recently I was told my Ammonia level was high. At first it was 59 and now it is at 122 I am tired and throwing up all the time. I have 3-4 ulcers Fibroymalgia Anklosying Spondilitis and more I am also on Enbrel methotrexate Roxicodone Avinza and more. What it the highest your ammonia can go before you die? What do you think this could be. Help????? shamp
2014-11-11 03:36:09
This post is a few years too late but the ammonia levels could be elevated related to liver cirrhosis and if not an alcohol user something called NASH (Non Alcoholic Stetohepatitis from fatty liver disease or long term use of medication. Elevated ammonia can be serious and cause a decrease in mental status and confusion depending on the levels. I don't think there is a definite level of how high it can be before you die--varies between individual bodies and additional comorbid conditions that one may have.
2014-11-11 03:36:40