
Help with Liver Biopsy Results

I had a breast MRI a few months ago and on the breast MRI my liver looked abnormal. So I had a liver biopsy two weeks ago to check for cirrhosis. The biopsy was performed September 17 2014. Today is October 1 and I have not yet heard anything from the ordering physician about my liver biopsy results. However I was at a pre-operative appointment yesterday for breast surgery and the Physician's Assistant accidentally showed me the results. They say "Liver biopsy: cirrhosis secondary to steatohepatitis. Activity Score 6. Fibrosis score 4. Trichome confirmatory." I know this is bad; the "Fibrosis score 4" means cirrhosis. But I don't know how bad "Activity Score 6" is or what scale that might be on. I have tried calling the ordering doctor's office -- he is on vacation until next week. No one seems to be able to tell me how bad this is. I am scheduled for breast surgery next week (I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer) and I wonder if I should postpone the surgery until I learn more about the cirrhosis. My bilirubin prothrombin time and albumin are still well-with the normal range but I have severe fatigue. I also have some pain and bloating in my abdomen but there are various things that could cause that. (For example I am on a drug Acarbose notorious for abdominal bloating.) I am 51 years old Type 2 diabetic and a non-drinker. I have not been tested for infectious hepatitis. Can anyone shed some light on this situation? (As in am I likely to die from liver failure in the next few years?)

2014-11-11 03:52:52




Try not to panic and you're in the right forum lots of experience here to help. Can you find out which histopathology scale they're using. It helps in knowing exactly what the pathologist is indicating each scale has some subtle variations. It's clear that cirrhosis does seem to be indicated due to NASH - do you drink a lot?? And you're correct in noting that your liver synthesis/excretory functions appear to be normal. We're here to help and there is another group you can look at: cirrhosis

2014-11-11 03:53:24
