
Help elevated liver enzymes

A couple of weeks ago i started having mild pains in ny upper right quadrant. I have been working out very hard even injuring my left arm after my doctor told me i had to lose weight due to diabetes. 6 weeks ago i had blood work done and everything was normal. Now a few days ago i had another blood work done and when i got my results my doctor said my liver enzyma are elevated. She sent me for another blood test as well as an ultrasound to make sure eeverything is ok. After my ultrasound i peaked at the screen and seen a spot that was white in my gallblader (gallbladder) not sure what it is. Can gallbladder cause elevated enzymes with ast/alt test? Or what else could cause this?

2014-11-12 11:07:24




Just got back my results for my ultrasound and my doctor said it came back as a fatty liver. I have been up all night reading about this and it has jusy gotten me stressed and the only thing i read was to change my diet and try to lose weight. I guess that is my next step and i will see how this goes. My doctor didnt even give me too much info thats why im so confused i had no idea where to begin.

2014-11-12 11:07:52
