I have had a badly chapped looking lip for three months. Doctor said us probably something viral and prescribed medicene to help symptoms. I have NEVER had chapped peeling lips ever. The medicene seemed to help but now that I have finished it the area is becoming red and sore again. If I put anything to soften the area it becomes red and so on entire upper lip and above it. If I put nothing on it it become dry peeling and cracked. Either way I have no idea what is causing it or why. Can anyone please help me?? I have no answers.
2014-10-28 04:45:03
You may have an allergy to something that you are eating. Do you have a habit of licking your lips a lot? If so that could be the problem. Another problem may be a fungal one and you could ask the doctor to take a swab of your lib to find out it in fact you do have a bacterial or fungal problem. Fungal infections do need treating with the appropriate antifungal medication. Other lip problems can be due to lack of Vitamin Bs in your diet and specifically Vitamin B12. You can buy supplements of this vitamin. Your doctor can also take a blood test to check your Vitamin B12 levels. As well as keeping your lips well moisturised with the lotions that SassyLassie mentions you could also try and apply natural set yogurt to your lips before going to bed. If this is a fungal problem the yogurt will help until you get the swab tests back from the doctor and get the appropriate treatment. Best wishes.
2014-10-28 04:45:40