
possible bile duct blockage?

Hi I am a 22 year old male somewhat healthy ex smoker drinker my main issue is I have been having diarrhea for almost a week now it's really grey like almost white and my stomach hurts bad when i need to go/after. Other than that I have had some bloating in the stomach a little stomach pain and had these weird iches that I thought were like allergies or something(it feels like what you get when wearing a itchy sweater or something) until I was reading up on bile duct blockage which I think is what I have? Anyway do I need to go to the doctor right away or can it wait? From what I read I probably should go to the doctor but I really would like to wait it out a bit is that ok?

2014-11-13 10:48:14




I think you already know the answer to your question. What exactly are you waiting for? Go to the doctor already.

2014-11-13 10:50:08

malaysia A