
decreasing platalet count

i have fatty liver diagnosed 1.5 years ago. at that time my liver enzymes were high but my platelet count was 191 000/uL ( normal range: 150 000 - 400 000.). From that time my diet was mainly vegetarian. My liver enzymes improved my in my last test 2 days ago platelet count is 148 000/uL. What could be the cause of this last platelet count? diet or am I progressing to cirrhosis? I will be happy for feedback.

2014-11-13 10:52:24




Hi I would ask your doctor what it means as he/she had your entire picture. I was diagnosed with liver damage due to my low platelets. Yours are still in the range mine had fallen to 65K. Are you on any aspirin or NSAIDS like Advil? That can affect your platelets. My blood specialist told me that aspirin can paralyze your platelets for one week Advil for 3 days. Take care

2014-11-13 10:53:14

malaysia A