For the past 18-24 months I've consumed 1 bag of frozen broccoli 3-4 times a week. Each bag is approx 3 servings. Last week I had stomach issues after the broccoli. I didn't associate it with the broccoli at the time. Next day same thing. I thought maybe I got food poisoning from the broccoli due to improper refrigeration during transport so I tossed the rest of what I had and picked up some more of a different brand. I had one of the new bags today and while I don't feel ill in the same way i did before I still feel flush and have a noticeable minor amount of nausea. Could I have suddenly developed an allergy to broccoli? 3 servings a day 3 to 4 times a week is a lot but is that really enough to cause an allergy?
2014-10-28 04:47:02
i hate to report this. but actually paultond i recently started suspecting brocolli too. and chicken broth also. both seem to upset my stomach. i haven't had problems with organic soy milk cocoa powder vegetable juice ground beef whip cream margarine chips. sticking with organic on the safe side. haven't had reaction to coffee either. did have upset with suspected non organics for soy and others. the others being too hard to narrow down. but i also got problems with apple and hybrid mango but good with pure breed mango before.
2014-10-28 04:48:05