
High LFT's

I am 61 yo Caucasian male. I've had a couple of glasses of wine most days for the last twenty years or so. My AST and ALT have always been normal. Since I retired a few months ago my alcohol intake has increased to more like three or four glasses of wine a day. I decided to go to an independent lab and get checked. I have my physical at the end of June. Three of the tests were abnormal. AST 73. ALT 50 GGR 208. This is the first time I've ever my GGT checked. The AST and ALT are usually in the 20s or 30s. All the other panel tests were OK. I don't have any symptoms. The day before the test I attended a family function and in the course of the day I had about four glasses of wine. My most recent physical was five months ago. My AST and ALT were normal. Is it likely I have developed serious liver disease? Did my alcohol intake the day before the test influence the results? If I abstain from alcohol will the liver tests return to normal?

2014-11-13 10:59:16




Hi I am not a doctor but I was told by my doctor that drinking the day before a test can affect your enzymes. Your liver has to process the alcohol. You could try retesting. Good luck :)

2014-11-13 10:59:42

malaysia A