I'm not a doctor but I am the caregiver of my husband who has had both of these conditions for three and a half years on and off.
As you probably already know David hepatic encephalopathy is one of the symptoms of advanced liver disease. For others who may be reading this post - here is a link to a summary of the signs and symptoms:
Xifaxin is prescribed to help relieve these symptoms. Are you also taking lactulose? My husband takes a 30 ml dose twice a day. Lactulose does not cure the problem but may help to improve mental status. Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that works by decreasing the amount of ammonia in the blood. It is a man-made sugar solution.
Diet is also very important in controlling HE. My husband does not eat red meat as it is difficult to digest resulting in more toxins in his bloodstream.
He eats chicken and fish. He also eats beans. He eats 5 smaller meals rather than 3 big meals.
Your mood is affected by these toxins. HE makes you more irritable and can add to your anger. I would suggest you find a support group where you talk with others who understand what you are going through.
Are you being seen by a hepatologist (liver specialist)? Have you been evaluated for a liver transplant?
You may also want to post on the Cirrhosis of the Liver community.
Best of luck to you. Hope some of this information is helpful to you. I know first hand how difficult life is for you right now
2014-11-13 11:28:40
malaysia A