Hey all
To Begin with i have not had any health issues my lifest
2014-11-13 02:03:56
well thanks I have been walking and will resume swimming once the pain goes down and then weights. I was feeling awfully sick 3 days into my diet with a low grade fever and headache i went back to my GP after hearing out my symptoms he stated due to the use of the anti acid i might of got a parasitic or bacteria over growth so he put me on a anti parasite and a non absorbing antibiotic I feel much better now. Along with it i asked the GP if i may be having NASH he just smirked and said do not read to much you will get sick you have a mild fatty liver coupled with a mild enlargement. My 3 year old ultra sound had showed a normal liver so theres no possibility it could go to that point so soon. I feel much better on the healthy life st
2014-11-13 02:04:58