
Diagnosed with mild fatty liver and mild enlargement

Hey all To Begin with i have not had any health issues my lifestyle has been more of fast food and lots of fruits and having my daily walks from the station back home which is a km. My Alcohol usage was occasional then during my last year of post graduation it turned every weekend about 2-3 glasses of scotch. I am 24 male. Recently i had a scalp infection and was given anti fungals during the treatment i started feeling nausea and bitter taste so i went in for a liver screen blood work which showed my sgot was within a normal range by my sgpt was elevated at 66 the normal range being till 65 and a bilirubin of 1.14 the others like ggt ag ration etc were all normal my hemoglobin was 19 but since i am a smoker and spend alot of time in the studio it was not something to worry about. My GP said the blood reports were nothing of concern and what i was feeling would be the side effects of my meds and since enzymes were elevated he stopped all meds and kept me on nexium. Things were fine tough after i ended my 10 day nexium course i started feeling bloated and 3 days later started getting pain in my upper right quadrant which lasted a couple of minutes and was dull i went in for an ultra sound and they said i have a mild fatty infiltration and mild enlargement everything else was normal. My GP said its not serious and i should not be scared but i should cut down junk foods sugar and exercise more often and try to loose a little bit of my weight I am 5' 10" and weigh about 76 kilos. After reading up online i came across NASH and most places say if you have fatty liver with enlargement it means nash etc that has got me worried up and keeps me constantly thinking ive made my diet changes but i feel so hungry and am trying my best to not eat junk unhealthy stuff. The GP has ordered a liver test lipid profile and an HBA1C test as i do have a family history of cholesterol blood sugar and my dad had sever fatty liver before he did a gastric bypass. I have stopped alcohol since 2 months i wanted to give my liver good time to cleanse it self from all my social drinking i had for a year. Should i not drink for the rest of my life or is it fine if i have a glass once in a while say in 3-4 months? I cant get a liver specialist or gastro for a month my GP says wait for 2 weeks and repeat tests if its up go to a specialist. Advice help or anything to make me feel less tensed would be great. Im keeping my self from getting depressed about this by engrossing my self in my production work and photography its helping.

2014-11-13 02:03:56




well thanks I have been walking and will resume swimming once the pain goes down and then weights. I was feeling awfully sick 3 days into my diet with a low grade fever and headache i went back to my GP after hearing out my symptoms he stated due to the use of the anti acid i might of got a parasitic or bacteria over growth so he put me on a anti parasite and a non absorbing antibiotic I feel much better now. Along with it i asked the GP if i may be having NASH he just smirked and said do not read to much you will get sick you have a mild fatty liver coupled with a mild enlargement. My 3 year old ultra sound had showed a normal liver so theres no possibility it could go to that point so soon. I feel much better on the healthy life style now. Will keep you guys posted on my progress.

2014-11-13 02:04:58

malaysia A