I did a liver function test today and got to see my result all very normal except for albumin 52 and ALT 56. Is the liver damaged?
2014-11-13 02:24:59
Hello I am not a doctor however is it possible that you have a type of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? Your enzymes are mildly elevated. That could be caused by many things. I was once told that even having a drink the night before testing could cause that. Medications can cause it as well. Sometimes tweaking our diets can help tremendously i.e. more veggies fruits fiber water etc It sounds like you are active which is a good thing.. Are you able to be referred to a Gastroenterologist who specializes in the liver? He/she may be able to offer more guidance. Sometimes it can be hereditary much like high cholesterol is in my family. I am sure others will come on to comment. I hope you can find the answers you seek. Take Care 14:23:15 olive 2014/11/13 14:23:15 Have lab work to check on your gallbladder and liver and see what's up. olive 2014/11/13 14:25:12 Hello I don't know the range but your levels are slightly elevated. It could help to examine your diet to see if there are any things you are ingesting that could be causing this. Everything we eat drink apply to our body has to be processed through the liver Take Care
2014-11-13 02:25:31