Several months ago I had my annual blood work done and my ast and alt scores were elevated - doctor sent me for two different retest and they went up to 50 ast and76 alt . Sonogram shows 17.4 cm liver and my aft marker is 7.1 - he just tells me to lose weight - I am not obese at 5'5" and 159 lbs - but I did gain up to the point in the last year. Other symptoms are hypoglycemia and itchy palms at night and exhaustion. I suggested to him that I want to know why - because I don't want to end up with worse liver disease - I also mentioned that my daily meds of Claritin and singulair for 18 years could have some thing to do with it ( I am 57 with asthma) what suggestions for my next steps - I feel like he is just blowing me off :( thank you in advance
2014-11-13 03:04:03
You should probably consult a hepatologist (liver specialist). Better safe than sorry. Good luck
2014-11-13 03:04:36