
Insomnia after workout

I always have a issue with sleeping ( deprivation-insomnia ) the day when i workout any type of intense workout like crossfit I thought I might be over training so I took two weeks off to rest but the same came right back when I started up again i generally do my workout at 6 pm and i also tried to workout earlier in the morning but the same happened ..! anyone help me update : i am male 24 i dont think its a glycogen delpletion beacuse i may do 50 squat and same happens ( i dont think 50 squats would deplet glycogen ).!!!!

2014-11-13 05:52:50

malaysia A



Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question! Sleep Deprivation and Exercise: The Practice of Exercise helps us sleep better "People who sleep better report exercising more and people who exercise tend to sleep better" says Matthew Buman Ph.D. assistant professor of exercise and wellness at Arizona State University and NSF poll task force member. "We know that life is very busy for many people. They're not getting enough sleep and they're also not getting enough exercise. In addition there are several studies showing how "Sleeping is a Local Phenomena" where those regions that used before they get a better "brain wave" and deeper sleep However the issue you are referring to relates to the "Hormonal" response. The harder the workout the more hormonal response (not always good) especially on the brain triggering a specific section of the brain called the limbic system contributing to stress and anxiety "The effect of strenuous exercise calorie deficiency and sleep deprivation on white blood cells plasma immunoglobulins and cytokines. Moderate exercise appears to stimulate the immune system but there is good evidence that intense exercise can cause immune deficiency. In the present study the authors examined the effect of continuous physical exercise (35% of VO2 max) calorie deficiency and sleep deprivation on the immune system of young men participating in a 5-7 days military training course.

2014-11-13 05:53:37
