
I cant rest my body?

Im 26 230lbs 6' tall I have been weightlifting since I was 18. That is weighting as in 3 hours every day 6 days a week intensive workout. For years and years I would train eat well plenty of meat fish plenty of salads fruits etc a good nights sleep very next morning I was ready. A few years back maybe when I was 24 I started to notice my body could not compensate no more. My workouts tend to last 2-3 hours of intensive high rep high weight workouts. I workout till I max out. I notice more and with each day the body can not longer sustain such intensity. I increased my food consumption increased protein still it hasnt helped also 2-3 years back I started having sleep issues. Maybe if Im luck I will sleep 5-6 hours. What do I eat what food will help my body heal and recover faster? I dont take any supplements or vitamins or protein all natural i cant slow down my workout or decrease the weight lifting I wana maintain what I have and the strength I have + its a psychological state of mind. When I work out I work out I cant take it easy Im used to pushing and pushing till the muscle aches and burns. Also I became lactose intolerant for some reason about 2 years ago. I used to drink milk by gallons now my stomach cant tolerate it no more. I know my sleep issues are partying what is causing the problems but the body itself its not recovering as it used to.

2014-11-13 05:54:31

malaysia A



I had the same problem when I was in my mid 20's. I never did find out the solution. I think it's just the effects of ageing (aging). About the time I turned 25 I started to need a lot more recovery time. It was all downhill after that. Maybe someone knows the solution to both of our problems but I doubt it. Pounding protein shakes before workouts helps a little bit. Running is still pretty much the same but I can't seem to get my muscles to grow at all.

2014-11-13 05:55:14
