
Sleep during exam revision

How can I get a more refreshing nights sleep during exam revision periods. During the summer when I have no exams or study I can quite easily sleep 8 hours or so and wake up feeling refreshed. But during study especially near exams I can't do the same thing. I wake up in the middle of the night needing the toilet then can't get back to sleep for an hour or sometimes longer and I feel tired during the day as a result. How can I change this? I try to sleep earlier but I think this might be making it worse.

2014-11-14 11:42:21




Thanks for your question and I have heard your symptoms quite often from different patients. Many people experience loss of energy and increased tiredness even sleeping 8 hours. Sometimes our circadian cycle (sleeping) doesn't get adjusted. By the way I sleep 5-6 hours and try to take a nap between the day not sure if you can do that. In other words although is highly recommended 8 hours a day maybe less is better so I will try to help you and give you some suggestions. Anxiety and stress can cause sleeping disturbances since our nervous system can not get turned off. I would recommend that you add some physical activity and meditation for greater rest. Did you know that when you move or do exercises 6 hours prior that region were able to get better sleep since the brain sleeping patterns is a local phenomena so maybe there are regions of your brain that do not get the rest they need to and maybe if you use them it would help. However it can be multiple factors as well such as hormonal component or environment factors

2014-11-14 11:42:56
