Hi. I have posted pretty extensively about an array of constantly changing physical symptoms that began to arise several years ago primarily on the multiple sclerosis message board. (I have not been diagnosed with MS but the majority of symptoms are typical of MS--if anything is 'typical' of MS--and so that's what I was initially tested for by doctors with no real resolution.) I won't go into all the details about that here but I do have a specific question: should I work out or not? I used to be a bit of a fitness fanatic working out minimally five days a week biking often etc. I was in very good shape for most of my adult life but I stopped working out with the onset of the above-mentioned symptoms. I began to experience sharp pains in my inner elbows which began several years ago. I tried to ignore it but eventually gave up doing curls because it got to a point at which I could barely carry a grocery bag anymore. The pain improved over time. The pain came back 2 years ago but then also in my shoulders. Eventually that subsided. Now I am having the same sharp pains in my elbows shoulders and knees and the ball of my right foot. I went to the gym last night and attempted to work out my arms—OW!—and ditto shoulders. I know what post-exercise muscle pain feels like and this is not it; this pain is specific to joints and it's not pain typical of overexhausting a muscle. As I stated doctors reached no conclusion about my condition with a few strange exceptions: arthritis in my cervical spine abnormally brisk (4/5+) knee-jerk reflexes with clonus a blurry right optic disc nerve and Dupuytren's contracture in my right hand. Should I just exert a little less and try to ignore the pain as much as possible or am I causing long-term damage by doing so? I don't expect anyone to actually have an answer since the doctors neurologists rheumatists et al. I've seen don't have any...but I can hope can't I? :)
2014-11-14 03:08:05
Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question! Yes i can hear your frustration feel free to post in the MS forum ( i think you mentioned you did already) or Neurology Forums. Number one and before i answer this reminds few emails i recently received Margot "I got your book from the library I am very impressed. I have been healing MS for over 20 years. I started doing you exercises today. The issue is I can not stand to do them so I am doing them sitting down and visualizing standing up. I am trying to some standing and leaning. I am open to suggestions. I am sending the book info to several people I know massage therapist two trainers a nutritionist and a stroke victim and will also post it on Facebook. It gives a lot of hope and goes along with my idea that our body is meant to heal. Thank you!"
2014-11-14 03:11:15