I quit drinking alcohol over 2 years ago. I started on an antidepressant Citalopram 20mg daily and Ambien 5 mg. daily. I started in college and I am having some of the best times (I'm 54). I have been very successful Presidential HOnor roll difficult classes etc. I have been on these pills for almost 2 years. The citalopram has a disclosure that it can cause sleepiness. My older brother said when he took Ambien it made him lose his memory. I am starting to struggle with forgetfulness. I want every edge I can. I am worried about. There is little to say about memory loss on the internet. Please help me!!
2014-11-14 03:15:41
Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question feel free to post in other forums such as the Neurology.
Yes according to your desc
2014-11-14 03:16:51