
brain fitness for me

I quit drinking alcohol over 2 years ago. I started on an antidepressant Citalopram 20mg daily and Ambien 5 mg. daily. I started in college and I am having some of the best times (I'm 54). I have been very successful Presidential HOnor roll difficult classes etc. I have been on these pills for almost 2 years. The citalopram has a disclosure that it can cause sleepiness. My older brother said when he took Ambien it made him lose his memory. I am starting to struggle with forgetfulness. I want every edge I can. I am worried about. There is little to say about memory loss on the internet. Please help me!!

2014-11-14 03:15:41




Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question feel free to post in other forums such as the Neurology. Yes according to your description and as you said it is extremely important that you are working with more than one professional when comes of following medication sicne the strong argument right now is that medication should only be taken when "strictly neccesary" Some of these medications like you said can cause secondary effects on memory physical movement or similar. I remember when i was writing my book that i interviewed one of the top experts in the field Dr ML founder of the Center for Anxiety and Depression in NYC and he told me that most medications try to help fix one part of the brain while other gets compromised so make sure you are in the right treatment. On a side note you must now that exercise has strong effects when comes of treating mild depression or anxiety. The reason is the incredible effect that exercise has on the brain especifically on the neurotransmitters and the more complex the better.

2014-11-14 03:16:51
