I'm 16 and I have been having this weird tingly feeling all over my body after exercise and or when I play sports It happens randomly. The tingly feeling is like a needle kind of pain like when your foot falls asleep. If anyone could help that would be great
2014-11-14 03:20:59
Hi Temo642 and thanks for posting this question and thanks everyone for weighing in!! As someone responded here it may be a problem with dehydration so I would suggest to drink plenty of fluids. On a side note try to increase your stretching activities since sometimes if a muscle is tight and sore it may cramped up. In other words and in a very simple way: if the muscle is really tight the nerves crossing those muscles tend to still have to go through the muscle and sometimes feels like a needle. It can be a build up of lactic acid. Increase stretching stay hydrated and careful of training hard. You always need to increae progressive muscle condition and strenght if you practice a sport. If the symptoms persist please consult with your doctor asap. thanks!
2014-11-14 03:21:30