Every time I do moderate to intense workout the balls of my feet go numb. I was wondering if this is a circulation problem or what? .
2014-11-14 03:27:33
Thanks so much for your questions. It could be a circulation problem or an "atrophy of the soft tissue" problem. Women that wear high heels are known to have the balls of the feet some sort of numbness by the feet position when wearing high heels (not all of them). I would recommned to improve circulation to your feet but also to focus in the soft tissue of the balls of your feet (getting it stronger) Try this exercise: From a standing position place a sock on the floor and try pick it up with your toes and bring it to your hand do it ten times then change to the other foot
2014-11-14 03:28:26
Thanks so much for your questions. It could be a circulation problem or an "atrophy of the soft tissue" problem. Women that wear high heels are known to have the balls of the feet some sort of numbness by the feet position when wearing high heels (not all of them). I would recommned to improve circulation to your feet but also to focus in the soft tissue of the balls of your feet (getting it stronger) Try this exercise: From a standing position place a sock on the floor and try pick it up with your toes and bring it to your hand do it ten times then change to the other foot
2014-11-14 03:34:05