Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question
I would suggest that at your age you are careful with changes in your metabolism. What is metabolism? metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that takes place in the body's cells. metabolism converts the fuel in the food we eat into the energy needed to power everything we do from moving to thinking to growing.
If you want to lose weight The safest amount of weight you can lose is anything from .5 to 2 lbs a week. However at 14 your body is going through changes and you want to follow a healthy and structured exercise program monitored by your doctor that will help you lose some pounds while toning.
Lets talk first about your ideal weight:
According to your height of 5' 5" your ideal healthy weight is 134 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 119 and 149 pounds.
This was calculated using Hamwi formula a simple formula commonly used by many clinicians.
These are recommended weights. Talk with your doctor about what weight is best for you and before undertaking any new diet or exercise programs.
You can learn more about BMI and see what it is for your current weight by checking out our Body Mass calculator.
If you want to lose some weight steps:
Nutrition: Speed your metabolism by eating 5 small meals instead of three big ones.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits vegetables and protein. careful with carbs especially at night and sugars.
Cardiovascular: Exercise 3-5 times a week cardiovascular endurance (aerobic training)
Strength training: use light weights and lots of repetitions to improve your muscular endurance. The more muscular endurance the less body fat and the more toned you will look. You can find many of my exercises online: "michael gonzalez-wallace"
Again before you start doing any program please consult your doctor or your parents first.
2014-11-14 03:59:32