
why arms feel funny

Sometimes when I run uphill some very steep altitude gains in the beginning my arms feel funny like they are losing oxygen or blood. It's not pain it's not numbness but a weird ache like all the blood is rushing out of them. I'm sure it has to do with all the blood going to my hamstrings and glutes so they can push me up the hill. But I don't know any of my friends that have this sensation. Just wondering if it's unusual should I worry? And what is happening when I feel this way?

2014-11-14 04:01:45




Hi there and thanks so much for posting this question From your description i would check with your local practitioner and check your vital signals including blood pressure cardiovascular system body weight and so on. People with poor cardiovascular system tend to experience some collateral symptom when comes to poor circulation system. In addition and again you should check with your local practitioner be aware that stroke symptoms in woman they may appear as numbness in your arms among other that i include: Symptoms of heart attack in women Most heart attacks start slowly with mild pain or discomfort. Here are the symptoms of heart attack in women: Shortness of breath. May occur with or without chest discomfort. Nausea and light-headedness Flu-like symptoms including chills and cold sweats Heart palpitations Chest discomfort (angina): pain tightness or pressure in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back Discomfort in other areas including pain or discomfort in: one or both arms (especially the left arm) the back between the shoulder blades neck jaw or stomach Heartburn or indigestion Extreme fatigue As a side note in the case you are perfectly fine you may want to consider to increase your muscle endurance in your arms that will help you develop more strength and a more effective muscle fiber distribution. Try this exercise:

2014-11-14 04:02:41
