
What percentage does your brain versus heart

What exactly are the % ( that the heart function and brain function). Not sure this is a clear question. I thought at one time your brain is 25% and your heart is 75%. I was told by my doctor the other day that the heart is only 60%. I hope this makes since.

2014-11-17 11:16:44




Thanks so much for posting this question! There is not such a thing of what is more important or what percentage should we attribute to the brain vs the heart. In spiritual terms you may think that the brain is more or less important. For example to Aristotle Heart was the most important and not the brain. Ancient Egyptians were the first civilization to study the brain's anatomy. In other words if your heart stops beating you will die and your brain will suffer a massive stroke due to the lack of oxygen and if your brain suffers a stroke you may get impaired or die as well so my answer is that the brain is as important as the heart and both of them are working in the wonderful team but I could quite agree with your doctor where he says that the heart can be slightly more important than the brain. I hope this helps!

2014-11-17 11:17:09
