Since July I have struggled with severe fatigue nausea heart palpitations anisocoria (possible Adie's pupil) and an exacerbated fainting disorder along with chronic dizziness that ranges from mild fogginess to high/moderate off balance issues. Mainly I feel "tipsy" a lot of the time mainly when tired. Every time I attempt to exercise I wind up spending anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days EXHAUSTED shaky dizzy and feeling generally awful. Prior to this "thing" hitting I was working out 4 days of moderate aerobic activity with 2 days of moderate strength building. Now I can't lift the lightest of weights for 10 minutes without suffering for at least a day afterward . I was diagnosed in 1995 with vasovagal syndrome as verified with a positive tilt test (11 minutes at 45 degree angle resulted with complete faint and HR of 11 bpm until recovered). This is an issue that has always been triggered by trauma to me or someone around me. Lately though I feel faint without such triggers and the "triggers" affect me worse than usual. I have had an MRI/MRA without contrast showing nothing remarkable. I've had 25 vials of blood drawn and the ONLY thing that has shown up as abnormal was an ASO Titer of 490 and positive IgG (8.0) and IgM (1.0) antibodies for EBV. I've had complete cardiac and neurologic exams both showing nothing worse than probable optic migraines and some increase in PVC's (benign and previously noted). I have days when I feel like I am going to be sick any minute and I have other days of "almost normal" when I feel vaguely dizzy but otherwise healthy--but I can ruin that by trying to exercise beyond a short walk. One doctor noted the EBV but said that the test indicated that I had had it in the past and since everyone my age has that didn't mean anything (I'm 37 yrs). Do you have ANY IDEAS or suggestions for me to share/discuss with my Doctors? I miss being fit I have two young children and I'm tired of feeling lousy.
2014-11-17 04:14:26
Hi there and thanks so much for coming to my forum! Sorry to hear from your ordeal since I can hear your frustration. I would be doing the same as you. please feel free to post this question in any other forum especially neurology.
As you say Vasovagal syncope (vay-zo-VAY-gul SING-cuh-pee) is the most common cause of fainting. Vasovagal syncope occurs when your body overreacts to specific events such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. The trigger results in vasovagal syncope — a brief loss of consciousness caused by a sudden drop in your heart rate and blood pressure which reduces blood flow to your brain.
Clearly it looks you have consulted to several doctors and you are under treatment. Sometimes they recommend drugs in blood pressure or anti depressants. From my field I would say that moderate strength training would be very beneficial as long as you are training with a heart rate monitor and you dont see your hear rate go up ( like over 55% of your maximum heart rate) remember that the stronger you get the better neuromuscular functioning is so do moderate exercises and also practice some meditation and control some breathing exercises. You can do my exercises: Opposite arm and leg raise bicep curl raising one leg alternatively and breathing meditation and if the symptoms do not change you means that you can't probably engage into physical activity but I always believe that we can work around it and do something even that small physical activity if we remain consistent your body will read it as the best medicine pill possible sustaining into long term effects.
Discuss with your doctors the following exercise program and let me know what they think here is the li
2014-11-17 04:15:17