
Underdeveloped left pectoral

Im 20 years old and as long as I remember I guess since I've been born my left pectoral muscle never developed my right peck did tho. Like theres jus no muscle there to be developed jus my bones frim my rib cage. I've been trying to focus on working out my left side of my chest but there's been zero muscle gain I don't what to do or think. there's major strength difference between my left and right side right side dominates. Please sumone tell me why my peck isn't there and what the hell I can do about it it's embarrassing taking my shirt off.

2014-11-17 04:23:40




Hi there and Welcome to my Forum! Please feel free to post in any other forums as well. From your question this condition represents a problem and is noticeable. Sports Players in general and everyone else we tend to develop one side more than the other. For example I am lefty and left side of my body is not only stronger but bigger. In sports training there are few things that you can do to reduce what is considered : "Muscular Imbalance". In order to reduce that muscular imbalance you need to train saggitally ( meaning each side separate) and increase the weight in one side. In other words Imagine that you will do a chest from a lying down position and with a pair of dumbbells you perform a chest press with one arm and then the other arm. To increase more muscular structure do heavier weight for that side (8 reps max) and do more sets like 3-4 sets in the weaker side. While in the other side you can do up to 15-20 repetitions and 2-3 sets However I am very aware for this condition from many woman and you should consult to your doctor for any further recommendations that I don't feel qualified to suggest. I hope this works and thanks so much for stopping by at my forum!

2014-11-17 04:24:11
