Hello I have the Implanon in my arm. I have tried many types of birth control. Had to go off of the pill because of a medication I was on for migraines. I tried merina and ended up with chronic ovarian cysts. Apparently my mom had then frequently but didn't tell me so I didn't think of it being an issue for me as a side effect. I have had the Implanon in for almost a year. I have gained 30 pounds haven't had a cycle in 5 or 6 months. Have almost constant PMS symptoms cramping bloating mood swings but no relief. I have an appointment for an Ultrasound on Wed. and a follow up a week from friday with my dr. I was just wondering what other peoples experience with this is? Also I'm off of the migraine med and on a different one so I can go back to the pill. My husband and I don't really care about it as a contreceptive but I have PMDD with horrible cramps so I have been on birth control for almost ten years because of that. I really would appreciate any responses even if it is someone who went through something similar!
2014-11-17 04:51:09
I havent had that many side-effects..ive had mood swings and pregnancy symptoms (nausea cramping and soooo tired) but nothing that i can't live with. i think i have put weight on but mostly thats me being lazy but i do think the implant holds your weight. I dont get periods with it...just a bit bleeding every now and then....and i really cant complain. as a student nurse its helped me as if i was on placement for a 12 hour shift with period pains.....well no thank you!
2014-11-17 04:54:46