
throat swelling up at night

Does anyone else have this? For weeks now I assumed I had OSA and I even have a sleep study consult up in just over a month but I'm more than sure this is alergys. I noticed that I seem to have more problems when I have large amounts of processed cheese. So I cut dairy out of my diet except for a small amount in waffles in the morning and a small amount in instant mashed potatoes at night. Every thing seemed to be working then out of no where my throat starts closing up again at night. It's frustrating because if the alergy (allergy) doesn't kill you the lack of sleep will. I'm going to cut out the waffles and go back to eggs in the morning and see if that corrects it again. It started out where I would wake up in the middle of the night and was unable to breath out through my nose but I could breath in. I assumed it was my tonsils but a doctor checked out my soft pallet and tonsils and tongue and claims they all look fine. However he never commented on my throat. I would walk around in the daytime and have some slight choking which I'm sure is the same thing happening to me when I'm sleeping. This is how I figured out its alergys and not OSA. It's called sleep apnea not walk around durring the day apnea. I guess I'm going to have to get a food alergy (allergy) test done before I can get any progress done with this.

2014-10-29 10:12:25




Hello and hope you are doing well. Have you been tested for Asthma? This can be triggered by allergens and cause chest constriction. This can be detected by spirometry. Your symptoms could also be due to Obstructive sleep apnea though this does not occur in daytime nor is this triggered by allergens. In Obstructive Sleep Apnea when a person sleeps the airways are usually patent allowing normal passage for air entry. The upper airway that is at the region of the tongue and the soft palate is the most compliant (soft) part. So this is liable to collapse and cause airway obstruction. Now why does this obstruction happen in some people? 1. In overweight people the circumferential diameter becomes smaller. 2. Anatomical factors (structure) like enlarged tonsils volume of the tongue lengthy soft palate or abnormal positioning of the maxilla and mandible can further narrow the lumen 3. Some people are prone for decreased neuromuscular activity to the upper airway muscles during sleep and this reduces the tone of the muscles leading to further collapse of the airway. As the airway collapses the lungs do not have air entry leading to deoxygenation (decreased oxygen) of blood and the person wakes up. This period of non entry of air is called ‘Apnea’ and the waking up is called an ‘Arousal’. This keeps alternating and the person may not actually wake up all the time but these repeated arousals can disturb the sleep architecture and cause fatigue headaches and daytime sleepiness. So to determine the cause of your symptoms have a spirometry and sleep study done. Also maintain a diary and note down your symptoms this will help to identify allergens and narrow down the search. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.

2014-10-29 10:14:13
