

Hi I was on the IUD for a year and a half then got it removed in June 2013 I got my period right after and it was normal until 4 months ago. In October I missed my period the whole month no spotting or nothing in November I took a pregnancy test and it said negative then got my period right after (normal) then in December 2013 no period again... now January 2014 I've been spotting very very lightly off and on could I be pregnant? Or could it be something serious?

2014-11-17 05:54:58




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to do a pregnancy test. If that is negative and your periods continue to be irregular it may mean that you have a variant of PCOS. With this condition a woman doesn't ovulate regularly so she won't have regular periods. If you are not trying to get pregnant it is nothing to worry about as long as you are having a period every three months minimum. If you are trying to get pregnant you may need to take some mediation to speed up the process. Birth control pills could regulate your periods for you too--if desired. Good luck!

2014-11-17 05:55:37
