
Can I alter my cycle?

My husband and I want to have another baby but his job requires him to be away two weeks then back two weeks. It doesn't match up with my cycle. I am currently taking birth control pills and will end them this month. Is there any way to alter my cycle so I ovulate when he is home?

2014-11-18 10:58:59




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that YES you can probably do this. Have your provider help you. I would suggest skipping the placebo as taking the extra one to two weeks of pills however many so that your period ends up on the week before he comes home. Ideally it should finish the day before he gets home as that will give you the most time to "work with". If you can't alter your natural cycle you could use Clomid to help you ovulate on a specific date. You can use clomid with or without IUI--I won' t discuss which is more fun. Good luck!

2014-11-18 11:00:01

malaysia A