I was on pills alesse And I missed a couple And got pregnant I am a month pregnant about And experienced Some minor cramping Bleeding for a few days now Vomitting And diharreah What is going on?? Bleeding is heavy like a normal Period Is this the pills counteracting? Or am I misscarrying? I had an ultrasound and the baby is in the right position And the right size And is not an eptopic pregnancy But I am still bleeding And with some stomach pains Like stretching pains almost Confused? Please help
2014-11-18 11:43:39
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that what you have is known as a threatened miscarriage. Things could go either way at this point either you will stop bleeding and the baby will continue to grow or the bleeding will increase cramping will start and you will miscarry. I would advise you to take it easy. Take your vitamins. Avoid all the bad habits. And personally I would suggest a follow up ultrasound in 1 week. Your doctor may have something else in mind but follow his/her instructions! Good luck!
2014-11-18 11:44:47