
can I get pregnant?

I got my period the 7th and started birth control on the 9th of this month for the first time. My period ended the 11 but I just recently had sex where it seems to be that my boyfriend cummed in me. When would be the ovulation time since I just got off my period and can I get pregnant?

2014-11-18 11:55:46




Hi! If you were my patient I would say that presuming a normal 28 day cycle your fertile days would be Nov 18--23. Because you started birth control you should not get pregnant but it is still possible because you had intercourse so soon after starting the pills. IF you don't have a normal period when you get to the placebo pills at the end of the pack you should do a pregnancy test. In the meantime continue your pills! Good luck!

2014-11-18 11:56:12

malaysia A