
when can i not get pregnant.

My period strtd on 10nov n ended on te 13..i wana knw wat r te dates wen i am likly in less chance 2 gt pregnant..?

2014-11-18 03:28:23




Hi! If you were my patient I would have to advise you that you can get pregnant any time during your cycle. You may want to check out some of the natural family planning sites for more information on "safe days". IF you have a regular 28 day cycle ovulation usually happens somewhere around the 11-16 day after the first day of the menstrual period--SO in this case your MOST fertile time would be November 21-26. If you don't want to be pregnant but don't want to use regular contraception remember that you can also use emergency contraception at anytime during your cycle. Good luck!

2014-11-18 03:29:04
