I missed two days of birth control this month the very first day and day 15. My husband and I have sex once or twice a week (I don't remember the exact days). I will take my 28th pill tonight and I still haven't started my period. I usually start on day 25. I went in for my annual pap smear/checkup on Monday (that would have been day 23) and they showed no sign of pregnancy. All my tests have come back normal. Should I still start a new birth control pack/cycle tomorrow night? Can I still be pregnant even if all my doctors test came back negative?
2014-11-18 04:19:32
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to go ahead with the new pack of pills. I would also suggest repeating the pregnancy test. If positive of course you should stop your pills if negative I would adopt a "wait and see" approach at this point to see if you will have a period at the end of the next pack. If not I would discuss the possibility of switching pills for awhile versus continuing the same ones. It is not uncommon for periods to dwindle down to nothing after women are on the pill for awhile. Some women are happy with that others freak out. Hope this helps!
2014-11-18 04:19:59