
Please help ASAP IUD copper

I had a ParaGard inserted on 9/23 shortly after that I had an infection went on my doctors appointments cleared it up spotted throughout and the whole month. Had sex a few times during the week of ovulation. Thought things would be ok cuz I had the paragard. Period was due the 18 th of Oct. Just realized I had a lil cramping two days before it was due. Just wondering if I could be pg I hope not I have dr apt on the 23 I'm stressing. Please help

2014-11-18 04:56:56




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that the first thing to do is a pregnancy test since that is the most common reason to miss your period. If the test is negative you could ask your doctor for some medication to help start your period for you OR just wait and see what happens in the next few weeks. We usually allow up to 3 months for the cycles to return to normal. Certainly if you aren''t back to normal within that amount of time you shoud call your doctor for follow up. Good luck 16:57:09 olive 2014/11/18 16:57:09 Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to do a home pregnancy test. IF you have the Paraguard and if it was properly inserted (most likely it was) then you are 99% protected against pregnancy so it is unlikely that you are pregnant. Good luck!

2014-11-18 04:57:23
