Hi. I recently lost my virginity within the last month. I have been on birth control for over a year now (but just started a new one 2 or 3 months ago). I have not missed a single pill and I usually take it within an hour of the same time every day. My boyfriend has used a condom every single time and he has also pulled out every single time. We have been incredibly safe. This week was my last week of pills the sugar pills and I normally would get my period about halfway through the week. It is Saturday now and I still have no period. I have been extremely stressed out since Wednesday and I'm paranoid that I could be pregnant but with all the methods we used I don't think it's possible. Is this normal to still have no period? Does having sex for the first time mess with your cycle? Please help. I'm very scared.
2014-11-18 05:14:57
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that you are probably not pregnant although I would recommend doing the test--if only for peace of mind. It is possible that beginning a new relationship can alter stress and other hormones that affect your cycle. Keep taking your pills UNLESS you have a positive test. Your cycles should probably be back to normal soon. If not you should call your doctor. Good luck!
2014-11-18 05:15:34