
trying to get pregnant

Hi i was taking birthcontrol seens march 2013 and i stop taking them 2 months ago. Before my period was inregular and seens i stop taking them it became regular. Im trying to get pregnant. Please help i dont know if its still in my system.

2014-11-18 05:19:54




Hi! If you were my patient I would congratulate you on being so responsible and taking birth control! I would also advise you that it sounds like you have another bladder infection or perhaps the first one returned despite the medication (it could have been resistant). I would definitely recommend that you go back to your doctor and get checked for a UTI. If it is untreated it could spread to your kidneys and blood stream. In the meantime while you are waiting for your appointment drink tons of water to try to wash the organisms out of your system. Cranberry tablets may help. Good luck! 17:20:06 olive 2014/11/18 17:20:06 Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that the birth control pills have been out of your system for quite awhile if you stopped taking them two months ago. It is possible that they helped you become more regular. IF you have regular cycles it is a good sign that you are ovulating and this is necessary if you want to get pregnant. It is a good thing! Good luck!

2014-11-18 05:20:20
