
Sex Questions (Birth Control & Condom)

Hello I'm 16 years old and I kind of need more knowledge and background info about this stuff. No one has ever talked about it with me. I have only experienced anal sex and there was one time when I almost had vaginal sex. The penis went inside me a little but I was too scared to do it so I pulled out. So now I want to be more filled in on what is best to do when you desire safe sex. I know that there are two types of protection out there: birth control and condom. Are there any more? With birth control what pills are the most effective would you say? Are you allowed to get the pills without parent consent when you're 18? Another question when you start taking birth control do you take pills before you have sex? Or after? Now about condoms I've always been freaked out that a condom can break. Is there any way you can prevent that? Lastly long ago a doctor told me the best way to NOT get pregnant is to be on the pill and wear a condom. Is that correct? Or would you say just being on the pill is just as fine? I am sorry for all the questions I just feel like I need to know this beforehand. I am sorry as well if I did not post this in the right forum.

2014-11-19 10:15:27




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to start the pill at least 2 weeks before you have intercourse--that way you will be protected. Yes you can get pills without parental consent when you are 18. Using a condom is a very wise thing to do when you start a new relationship. If you are in a long term relationship you may decide that the condom is not necessary any more. Pills are excellent if you are religious about taking them. If you don't feel like you could remember every day You might want to consider sometin like an IUD or injectable or implanted contraception. Any of these methods are good you just need to decide which is best for you. Hope I got all of the questions. Good luck!

2014-11-19 10:16:04
