I am a 32yr-old unmarried woman..my last menstrual cycle started on 28th june'13..i had sex on 4th july'13..i took an i-pill within 5hrs of the act on the same day..my next periods is due around 28th july'13 but suddenly i have started bleeding (just like my usual periods) since the evening of 12th july'13..since its almost 16days early i am very worried and confused! is this my usual periods happening early or anything else? if its not my regular periods will my next menstrual cycle start around the expected date? am i safe? i am not pregnant right?
2014-11-19 10:16:45
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to do a pregnancy test. I advise that any time bleeding is unusual. If the test is negative I would probably just chalk the bleeding up to the pill. However I would suggest repeating the test if you don't have your regular period within two weeks of your expected date. Good luck!
2014-11-19 10:17:14