I need help I just had my second child in April 2013 I started birth control in June I quit taking it because i thought it was making my stomach hurt or maybe it was making my period my Nana told me that used to happen to her so I was sure so I quit taking it so I hadn't taken my birth control tri-previfemis.sice the beginning on July which would have been almost 2 1/2 - 3 weeks well I got a sc
2014-11-19 10:17:46
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that maybe the oral contraceptive is not the best option for you. There are patches and vaginal inserts that might work better because they bypass your stomach. There are also injectable and implantable contraceptives that are very convenient to use. Starting and stopping birth control can cause irregular bleeding so that is not too unusual. I always recommend a pregnancy test too though whenever the bleeding is different that expected. Good luck!
2014-11-19 10:18:14